The BAMF 42 Degree CV

BAMF driveline
  • 32mm cup (comparable Dana 1.5 ton, 1410 series )
  • 5" Overall Diameter
  • .750" diameter stud to align and center the CV unit (others use .500")
  • All moving parts are serviceable through easily accessible grease fittings
  • 42 degree angle capability
  • Balances @ over 2500 RPMs
  • Can be adapted for Dana model 18, 20, 300, New Process 203, 205 and Atlas transfer cases
  • Smooth operation
  • The most durable high angle CV driveline you can buy
  • Developed using continuous duty industrial components
  • Over 500 units on the road as of  5-1-2005.
exploded picture

We'll admit that the BAMF CV has taught us old pros a thing or two more about constant velocity kits than we ever thought about before. We had to come up with a few tricks before we were satisfied with the quality control issues. Given that the application is extremely severe, we still wanted a reasonable service life.

The BAMF won't solve all of your problems, but it's the best thing we know of for a front driveline in an extra-tall 4x4.

The dimensions of the BAMF flange are the same as tha Saginaw flange pattern. The only difference is that our holes are tapped with a 12mm thread, just like Ford uses.

If you have a Ford flange, we can sell you an aluminum bushing that will reduce the 3.125" pilot to the Ford 2.00".



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